This endorsement from John Fornof is special to me. I’ve been a huge fan of his writing from an early age as I enjoyed the episodes he wrote for the radio show Adventures in Odyssey. Now it’s amazing and truly humbling that he took the time to read my novel and loved it. See what he had to say below.
John has been in radio and television for over 35 years. In 1999, he began writing and directing for Focus on the Family’s Adventures in Odyssey, a role he held for 6 years. To date he’s worked on 15 different radio drama series including The Last Chance Detectives, Down Gilead Lane, Lamplighter Theatre, The Extrodinary Adventures of G. A. Henty, Jonathan Park, and Adventum in a writing, directing, or producing role–if not all three. He also authored the book Small Town, Big Miracle, the true story of the small town of Possum Trot, Texas that adopted 72 children from foster care. He continues to work on new and exciting projects with his company Circle Creative Media and he hosts a podcast on storytelling called StoryChat.

Here’s John Fornof’s endorsement for Maximus: