Standing on the Shore
Last month I visited historic Plymouth, Massachusetts. Standing on the very shore as the weary-worn Pilgrims almost 403 years later was surreal. As I stared at the exact replica of the Mayflower siting in Plymouth Harbor, I was trying to imagine 132 people crammed onto the vessel for 10 grueling weeks. It made me consider their amazing fortitude, their steadfast faith in God to preserve them for the sake of the propagation of the gospel.

Only 53 people survived that first winter. Despite facing sickness and starvation, God sustained them.

It’s no wonder that in 1621, the Pilgrims gathered for a feast of Thanksgiving. Almighty God had miraculously preserved them and bountifully provided for their needs. This year, let’s be sure to thank our good God for all his blessings and provision for us.

The Ship
The ship itself is quite impressive. Mayflower II was built in Devin, England back in the 1950’s when my dad was boy. It was sailed across the ocean in 1957, following the same path of the original Mayflower. Now it’s docked on the shore of Plymouth, preserving the story of the voyage that birthed a nation.